Xie Xinyu -- Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Deputy General Manager, Director and Company Secretary

Personal Profile:He was born in 1967. He is a holder of an engineering master ’s degree. He is a senior engineer and an affiliate member of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries. He was the deputy general manager and secretary to the Board of the Company between 1996 and 1999; a Director, deputy general manager and secretary to the Board of the Company between 1999 and 2002; and has been the deputy general manager and secretary to the Board of the Company since August 2002. Since 17 August 2014, he has been appointed as a Director, deputy general manager and secretary of the Company. He is concurrently the chairman of Anhui Xin’an Financial Group Company Limited, Anhui Xin’an Capital Operating Management Group Company Limited, Anhui Transportation Holding Group (H.K.) Limited and a director of Anhui Expressway (H.K.) Limited.
